The Extract Tool

The Extract Tool is useful when you need to extract something from inside a column. For example, if you have a column containing people's names, the Extract Tool could be used to retrieve just the first name and put that in a new column. Or, if you have a column containing dates and you want to get just the year, the Extract Tool can pull out the year portion of the date.

The Extract Tool's options look like this:

Extract Tool Options

To use the tool you specify the "Source Column", this is the column to extract from. You must then specify the name of the new column that you want to create and where in the source column to start and end the extract.

The Start dropdown has the following options:

The End dropdown has a similar set of options for specifying where to end the extract:

When you use this tool to extract a portion from one column, the new column it creates is just like any other column in your table. You can use another Extract Tool on the new column if necessary to get at an inner portion of the extracted text, or use any of the other tools on your newly created column.

Useful Extract Recipes

The following are some useful recipes for extracting values from columns

Get the Hour from a Date

QueryTree can detect many forms of date in the data that is loaded into it. When it detects a date, QueryTree will display it in a standardised way:

2008-09-03 12:25:41

This consistent format for dates makes it simple to extract certain parts of a date using the Extract Tool. For example, to get the hour portion of the date, configure the Extract Tool as follows:

Start: After the first occurrence of
Start Text: " " (i.e. type a space into the Start Text edit box)
End: At the first occurrence of
End Text: ":"

The extracted column will now contain the hour from the date column.

Get the Domain (i.e. the website address) From an Email Address

If a column contains email addresses, extracting the domain (or website address) part of the email address can be done by setting up the Extract Tool as follows:

Start: After the first occurence of
Start Text: "@"
End: At the first occurrence of
End Text: " " (i.e. type a space into the End Text edit box)

The extracted column will now contain the domain part of the email addresses, e.g. "".

Get the First Sentence from a Block of Text

To get the first sentence of a block of text, set up the Extract Tool as follows:

Start: The beginning
End: After the first occurrence of
End Text: "."

The extracted column will now contain the first sentence of the text in the source column.