The Filter Tool

The Filter Tool can be connected to one source tool and will output a table containing rows from that source tool that meet a particular criteria. For example, if you have a CSV file containing addresses from various countries around the world and you want to see only the rows where the "Country" column contains the value "Italy", you can connect a Filter Tool and configure it like this:

The Filter Tool Options Window


Here we have set the Column to "Country", which is one of the columns in the connected source tool and we've left the Compare Type on "Equals". We have then set the Compare Value to "Enter a value..." and have typed "Italy" into the Compare Value text box. When we hit OK, the settings are updated and the Filter Tool results (shown in the results area on the bottom half of the screen) will contain only the rows with a Country value of "Italy".

The Compare Type setting has a range of filtering functions. Here are the different compares types that are available and a brief explanation of what they do:

The Compare Value setting defaults to "Enter a value..." and provides a text box into which you can type a value. Alternatively, you may use a different column from the source table as the value to compare against. For example, if you had a list of departments and wanted to filter for departments where the "Income" column was Less Than the "Expenditure" column, this can be done by changing the Compare Value setting from "Enter a value..." to "Expenditure".

The Case Sensitive tickbox tells the filter tool whether the upper and lower case letters in the Compare Value setting are significant. For example, if you are filtering for "Country" equals "Italy", leaving the Case Sensitive tickbox unticked will mean that rows with a value of "italy", "ITALY" and iTaLy" will be considered a match and will be returned. If you tick the Case Sensitive tick box then only rows with a country value of "Italy" will be returned.