The Append Tool

The Append Tool can connect to lots of input data sets and will output them all as one big data set. It is particularly useful if you have a number of data files, each for a different year or region, and you want to bring them all together.

The Append Tool can connect to as many inputs as you like and outputs the rows from its first input table and the rows from its second input table and the rows from its third input table, and so on. The rows do not come out in any particular order so if you need to sort them after the append you can attach the Sort Tool to the Append Tool's output.

When two or more of the Append Tool's input tables have columns with the same name, then those columns will be combined. If the column names in each input table are not the same, what the tool does will depend on its settings. The Append Tool's settings look like this.

The Append Tool Options Window

The "Include Non-matched Columns" setting tells the tool whether or not to output columns that it finds which are not in all its input tables.

For example, say we have the following two tables:

Customer Number Ticket Number Call Length Resolution Type Comments
76354 1 4:43 ABB1
84736 2 12:39 HFG4
92524 3 8:04 ABB2 Customer is elderly


Customer Number Ticket Number Resolution Type Comments
12948 584 HFG2
38274 585 HFG3  Long history to this ticket, suggest an engineer visit
27659 586 ABB1

If we connect both of those to the Append Tool with the Include Non-matched Columns option ticked, the result will be this:

Customer Number Comments Call Length Ticket Number Resolution Type
12948 584 HFG2
38274 Long history to this ticket, suggest an engineer visit 585 HFG3
27659 586 ABB1
76354 None 4:43 1 ABB1
84736 None 12:39 2 HFG4
92524 Customer is elderly 8:04 3 ABB2

Notice that the "Call Length" column is present, but rows from the second table do not have a value in that column.

If the Include Non-matched Columns setting is not ticked, the result of the Append will be this:

Ticket Number Customer Number Resolution Type Comments
584 12948 HFG2
585 38274 HFG3 Long history to this ticket, suggest an engineer visit
586 27659 ABB1
1 76354 ABB1 None
2 84736 HFG4 None
3 92524 ABB2 Customer is elderly

Notice that the "Call Length" column is not in the results because it is not in every input table.